

I've been asked by a number of people whether I'm drawing from my own experiences or those of Dallas, my son's ? The answer is yes. Also, I do have a very funny little family that includes my wife Sherill and daughter Shelby. They appear frequently in different forms! Here's a picture of me and LIL BUDDY Trout fishing in the Smoky Mountains. (Believe it or not, I snatched that Trout out of the creek with me bare hands!)


Anonymous said...

Anthony!!! I didn’t know you could “NOODLE”. John and I watched a program last Sunday about this couple in Chattanooga that does this. In Tennessee they call it Grabbling.

By the way, that was a great fishing picture!

Love, Mema

Anonymous said...

What is Noodling?

Anonymous said...

Catching fish with me bare hands!!

Anonymous said...
